Yoga is a traditional physiological practice for the development of mental faculty and for the overall development of the body, on which modern medicine and physiology are banking and giving importance. According to Hinduism, faith is one of the six oldest branches of Hinduism philosophy. It is not only in the state of philosophy only however it is in the mainstream for ages. The yoga that I’m discussing is mentioned in the scriptures of Hinduism faith and belief - Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and many other scriptures.
Patanjali’s yoga sutra is one of the texts on the evolution of the concept of yoga. Patanjali’s yoga is much more God-oriented. Patanjali is considered to be the founder of formal yoga philosophy. Patanjali’s composition “Ashtanga Yoga” is the cornerstone of the conventional system. Ashtanga Yoga is the basic feature of every type of Rajyoga which is been practiced these days. These eight organs (Ashtanga Yoga) and their details are :
1. Yama: Ahimsa (non-violence, non-harming other living beings), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya (fidelity to one’s partner) and Aparigraha (non-avarice).
2. Niyama: Sauca (purity, clearness of mind), Santosha (contentment), Tapas (persistent meditation), Svadhyaya (self-reflection, the study of Vedas), Ishvara-pranidhana (contemplation of God).
3. Asana: Literally means “seat” and in Patanjali’s sutras refers to the seated position used for meditation.
4. Pranayama (Breath exercises): Breath, to “stretch, extend, restrain, stop”.
5. Pratyahara (Abstraction): Withdrawal of the sense organs from external objects.
6. Dharana (Concentration): Fixing the attention on a single object.
7. Dhyana (Meditation): Intense contemplation of the nature of the object of meditation.
8. Samadhi (Liberation): merging consciousness with the object of meditation.
Ashtanga Yoga teaches us patience and perseverance. If we can master it, we will benefit immensely. It shows us the way to non- violence, inner peace, and truth. Its significance in bringing purity, contentment, meditation, self-reliance in life is immense. It teaches us to remain steadfast. It also teaches us to control vitality.
On practicing Ashtanga Yoga, it helps in developing the senses to resist external factors. It teaches the mind to settle on any matter. The mind is absorbed in meditation for this. Again, the attainment of Samadhi is the highest level of Yog, the ultimate attainment of the yogi. Ashtanga Yoga is not just a process, it teaches the full principles of life. At the present time, we are very distressed. Ashtanga Yoga will help us to overcome this sadness. It will develop our self-consciousness. It enhances our performance. It enhances our science-based knowledge. Today we have deviated from our ideals and correct actions due to various external reasons. So, we need Ashtang Yog to control this situation. Ashtanga Yoga can build the morale of today’s youth society intact. Ashtanga Yoga helps us to achieve success in personal life. That includes everything, which will guide us in the right direction. So, We will all adhere to Ashtanga Yoga. Also, we can say that its importance is immense in the present age. Hence, Ashtanga Yoga is significant to the present situation.
Patanjali’s yoga sutra is one of the texts on the evolution of the concept of yoga. Patanjali’s yoga is much more God-oriented. Patanjali is considered to be the founder of formal yoga philosophy. Patanjali’s composition “Ashtanga Yoga” is the cornerstone of the conventional system. Ashtanga Yoga is the basic feature of every type of Rajyoga which is been practiced these days. These eight organs (Ashtanga Yoga) and their details are :
1. Yama: Ahimsa (non-violence, non-harming other living beings), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya (fidelity to one’s partner) and Aparigraha (non-avarice).
2. Niyama: Sauca (purity, clearness of mind), Santosha (contentment), Tapas (persistent meditation), Svadhyaya (self-reflection, the study of Vedas), Ishvara-pranidhana (contemplation of God).
3. Asana: Literally means “seat” and in Patanjali’s sutras refers to the seated position used for meditation.
4. Pranayama (Breath exercises): Breath, to “stretch, extend, restrain, stop”.
5. Pratyahara (Abstraction): Withdrawal of the sense organs from external objects.
6. Dharana (Concentration): Fixing the attention on a single object.
7. Dhyana (Meditation): Intense contemplation of the nature of the object of meditation.
8. Samadhi (Liberation): merging consciousness with the object of meditation.
Ashtanga Yoga teaches us patience and perseverance. If we can master it, we will benefit immensely. It shows us the way to non- violence, inner peace, and truth. Its significance in bringing purity, contentment, meditation, self-reliance in life is immense. It teaches us to remain steadfast. It also teaches us to control vitality.
On practicing Ashtanga Yoga, it helps in developing the senses to resist external factors. It teaches the mind to settle on any matter. The mind is absorbed in meditation for this. Again, the attainment of Samadhi is the highest level of Yog, the ultimate attainment of the yogi. Ashtanga Yoga is not just a process, it teaches the full principles of life. At the present time, we are very distressed. Ashtanga Yoga will help us to overcome this sadness. It will develop our self-consciousness. It enhances our performance. It enhances our science-based knowledge. Today we have deviated from our ideals and correct actions due to various external reasons. So, we need Ashtang Yog to control this situation. Ashtanga Yoga can build the morale of today’s youth society intact. Ashtanga Yoga helps us to achieve success in personal life. That includes everything, which will guide us in the right direction. So, We will all adhere to Ashtanga Yoga. Also, we can say that its importance is immense in the present age. Hence, Ashtanga Yoga is significant to the present situation.
Image Courtesy: Internet
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