Series of events after the Battle of Kurukshetra - Mahabharata

After the war of Kurukshetra of Mahabharata ended, Gandahari –the mother of 100 Kaurav brothers, struck with grief on the death of her sons curses Shri Krishna that the Yadavas (Yadav clan) will also die the same death. Shri Krishna accepts the curse by Gandhari.

After that, Pandavas ruled Hastinapur for 36 years, the subjects were happy and the country prosper. After 36 years passed by, a danger came to Dwarka according to the curse of Gandhari. For 36 years Shamba, the son of Shri Krishna and Satyabhama, playfully misbehaved with some rishis and got cursed in return.

One day Samba dressed like a woman and took an iron ball and hidden over his belly, so that he looks like a pregnant woman, along with other Yadavas, they went on asking rishis to predict the gender of her future child. One rishi gets furious and curses him of giving birth to an iron mace which will destroy their entire dynasty. After a few days, he delivers an iron mace. Then the people of Dwarka smashed them on the seashore. One day, the Yadav’s being drunk near the seashore, began to fight with those sea shore's grass which was mixed with an iron mace. Then all the people who were fighting died fighting with each other.

Dwarika witnesses bad omens and sinful activities increase. Shri Krishna instructs others to go on a pilgrimage to Prabhasa. At Prabhasa, the Yadavas started drinking wine and got intoxicated. A fight ensues among them and every Yadava kills one another. Only Shri Krishna, Daruka, Vabhru, and Balarama. Vabhru and Balarama survive. However, later on, seeing all such nuisance, Vabhru and Balarama left this world too.

Shri Krishna sends Daruka to inform Arjuna and bring help to save guard Dwarka. Meanwhile, a hunter mistakenly shoots an arrow that strikes at Shri Krishna's foot and leaves Him wounded. Shri Krishna consoles the hunter and blesses him and dies, then merges in the image of Vishnu and leaves this mortal world for His own abode. Meanwhile, Arjuna reaches there. Arjuna tried to save the widowed queens of Shri Krishna but lost in the fight against the barbarians. Vedavyasa instructs Arjuna that the Pandavas' purpose of life has been over.

Yudhisthira coronates Parikshit and the five Pandavas along with Draupadi set out for their journey towards heaven by climbing the mountain of Himalaya. A dog followed them on their way up to the mountain. Along their way, while climbing the mountain one after another in the order of Draupadi, Sahadeva, Nakula, Arjuna, and Bhima fall down and die.
Draupadi- The first to die was Draupadi, she was imperfect because she preferred Arjuna over her other husbands.
O best of men, though we were all equal unto her she had a great partiality for Dhananjaya. She obtains the fruit of that conduct today. [Please refer Mahabharata - 17.2.6 for further reference]

Sahadeva- Then it was Sahadeva, imperfect because he was smug about his knowledge
He never thought anybody his equal in wisdom. It is for that fault that this prince has fallen down. [ Please refer Mahabharata - 17.2.10 for further reference ]

Nakula – Followed by Nakula, imperfect because he was arrogant about his good looks.
He was of righteous soul and the foremost of all persons endued with intelligence. He, however, thought that there was nobody that equaled him in beauty. Indeed, he regarded himself as superior to all in that respect. It is for this that Nakula has fallen down. [Please refer Mahabharata - 17.2.16 for further reference]

Arjuna- Then fell Arjuna, imperfect because he was always jealous of other archers.
Arjuna had said that he would consume all our foes in a single day. Proud of his heroism, he did not, however, accomplish what he had said. Hence has he fallen down. This Phalguna disregarded all wielders of bows. One desirous of prosperity should never indulge in such sentiments. [Please refer Mahabharata - 17.2.21,22 for further reference]

Bhima-And finally, Bhima, imperfect because he was a glutton.
You were a great eater, and you used to boast of your strength. You never attended, O Bhima, to the wants of others while eating. It is for that, O Bhima, that you have fallen down. [Please refer Mahabharata - 17.2.25 for further reference]

Only the eldest Pandava, Yudhisthira, reached the door of Swarga Loka (Heaven) carried on by Lord Indra's chariot. On reaching Heaven he did not find either his virtuous brothers or his wife Draupadi. Instead, he saw Duryodhana, Bhishma, Dronacharya, and their sons.

Yudhisthira alone survives and Indra comes to welcome him to heaven with his chariot. Indra asks Yudhisthira to leave the dog behind and enter into the chariot of Lord Indra and go to heaven. Yudhisthira declines the offer to enter into heaven unless the dog also goes with him as the dog has befriended him. The dog then becomes Yama and tells Yudhisthira that he has passed the test. After that Yudhisthira enters into heaven.

Thus, after many such series of events Shri Krishna and the Pandavas leave this mortal world. The city of Dwaraka submerges into the ocean and eventually, the present age of Kali-yuga begins.

As the topic of Kali rose here, I would like to give some insight here about some other myth, which says that Kali-yuga begins when Bhima killed Duryodhana at the battlefield of Kurukshetra on Shri Krishna’s astute indication.
Image Courtesy: Internet


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