Who cooked for the warriors of the war of Kurukshetra – Less know Story from Mahabharata.

I believe you will agree with me, without any ambiguity that the war of Mahabharata is the biggest war in the history of the war, in which many great warriors participated. The Kauravas had eleven Akshauhini army, one Akshauhini Narayani army of Shri Krishna, while the Pandavas had collected seven Akshauhini army.  [1 Akshauhini = 21,870 chariots + 21,870 elephants + 65,610 horses + 109,350 soldiers on foot]. Thus more than 4.5 million warriors took part in the war of Kurukshetra of Mahabharata,

During the war of Kurukshetra, every King had to participate and do their part of the contribution to the war. So King's of different provinces took either side of Kauravas or Pandavas.

Did you ever think who cooked food for these 4.5 million soldiers and how they managed it all? I will walk you through the story according to the legend King of Udupi/Udipi was against the war, so he went to Shri Krishna and asked him that in this war, millions of warriors will fight, then from where will the food come for them? No warrior will be able to fight without food. So “I want to arrange food for the soldiers on both sides”. Shri Krishna gave him permission to prepare food for both sides of the soldiers.

Cooking food for the participating soldiers was not a very easy job, as no one had the idea of how many people would survive to have the food after the war ended every day. However, I must say with great importance that the food which was prepared by King of Udupi/Udipi and his army was never less or excess for the war participants. Everyone could have sufficient food every day.

But now the question in the king's mind was that everyday warriors will b killed in this war, then according to what calculation will the food be prepared so that the food does not become more or less insulting the food. It is very surprising that during this 18-day war, there was never any shortage of food nor was there a huge amount left.

Every day in the evening after the war was over both armies used to have their food together. Every day there used to be huge casualties from both the side, but King of Udupi/Udipi and his army used to make the nearly perfect amounts of food and had no waste of food and no shortage of food. Though the number of casualties was not the same each day even then King of Udupi/Udipi and his army’s precision were perfect.

People were amazed to find how King of Udupi managed to cook the exact amount of food because no one knew how many people would die each day. By the time they took accounts, it would have been too late. Definitely, King of Udupi/Udipi did not know how many people died on that day, but every day, he cooked exactly the amount of food that was necessary for the remaining soldiers.

Few warriors doubted him & thought, King of Udupi/Udipi knows the future and the result of the war. They approached King of Udupi/Udipi to verify. He then revealed that it was Shri Krishna who was giving him information in a symbolic way.

Shri Krishna used to have boiled peanuts along with/before dinner and King used to serve him personally. Krishna didn't eat all peanuts. King used to know how many peanut's Krishna ate by counting the remaining peanuts. Each peanut Shri Krishna has symbolized 1000 killed the next day. So, if he ate 30 peanuts, casualty for the next day would be 30,000. (Some other stories mentioned Shri Krishna use to left rice in his plate which Udipi King used to count and each rice symbolize 1000 death).

That's how King of Udupi/Udipi and his army used to make the perfect quantity of food having no waste of leftover.

Key learning from the story is that there is always an indication for all our questions which we can find around us, it’s our perception of how we interpret those indications.


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